
What's on Ruth's mind?

Hundreds of articles, each filled with pearls of wisdom straight from Ruth Klein’s high ticket programs, best-selling books and international speeches for business branding, relevant marketing, and writing, marketing and monetizing your book in easy bite size pieces.


Three Successful Ways to Introduce Yourself Online and Offline

Do you know that how you introduce yourself online as well as offline can actually attract new clients…or the reverse, distract from your expertise and who you are? Most recently I was on a live zoom call and a friend was sitting listening to people introduce themselves. After the call she said, “Ruth, you really need…

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Three Myths that Block Momentum and How to Crush Them

Why is it so difficult to get going … get our “mojo” or momentum back during these disruptive times? There are many myths about taking action that block our best efforts. Here are three. First, there’s the myth “I have to work hard and all the time.” The mind and body are not set up to…

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How are you doing with your January 2023 goals?

Remember the first of the year when you made all of these new goals and your hopes for a successful and healthy year ahead? Well, “life” took an unexpected turn, as it usually does. However, when you look back at the goals you made in January…are there ones that still hold true for you now?…

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Financial Saboteurs: Any Show Up for You in 2018?

Did you meet or exceed your financial goals in 2018? Right about this time, it becomes very evident to businesses, entrepreneurs, speakers, and authors, that many of you hit some financial saboteurs this year and didn’t meet your financial goals. If you came up short in one area, or didn’t do as well as you…

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Limiting Beliefs and the Pieces of Generation Why Not?

Last weekend, I was interviewed by entrepreneur Troy Hoffman for his podcast, The Daily Question. We spoke all about my latest book, Generation Why Not®? 7 Principles to Peak Performers, Driven by Attitude, Not Age, and about how limiting beliefs can hold entrepreneurs back! I’m so excited about this book! I’ve been interviewing so many fantastic,…

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Intentional Certainty Brings Clarity…Even On a Trip to New York!

Most recently, I was in New York. I went to New York with a very good friend, and we had planned to travel together because he wanted to go on my next New York trip. So we did it! I thought. I thought it would be fun to go with someone who lived in New…

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3 Reasons for Fluctuating Income Month to Month

Fluctuating income can be frightening and frustrating. As an entrepreneur and expert, it’s hard enough to gauge month-to-month what your income will be. That being said, there are strategies to safeguard and attract a monthly minimum (I’ll do another blog post on that!). Have you ever noticed that some months you’re riding high and your…

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Expert Celebrity Brand: The 3 Foundational Building Blocks

What is an “Expert Celebrity” brand and why is it important to build one? Expert means your unique expertise, knowledge, experiences, & education – the “meat” of your business. Celebrity means influence – your ability to lead and influence people, because they trust you & your input as an expert. An “Expert Celebrity” brand drives…

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Are you Marketing READY or Marketing WILLING?

There’s a big difference between being ready and being willing. I’ve found, through decades of working with my clients, CEOs and entrepreneurs, that most are definitely ready to do marketing, they’re ready to re-brand, or tweak their brand, and they’re ready to do it. That being said, in many cases, they’re not willing. If you’re…

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Excuses or Solutions?

Are You Looking for Excuses or Solutions? Have you ever found yourself in a spot where you create an excuse – you really, truly believe that there was another person or another factor outside of your control that was the reason you couldn’t reach your goals. Now, we all start building up our “excuse bank”…

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"The Marketing Maven!"

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"Ruth showed us how creating a great brand is a matter of knowing both where and how to look for hidden truths, unmet customer needs and concealed opportunities."

Norm Nebroski President & CEO
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