When Intuition Knocks…See Who’s There

This year, so far has been a different, yet wonderful experience for me. I find that something is trying to erupt…come out…and up until yesterday, I couldn’t put my finger on it. Actually, I don’t know if I put my finger on any one thing…all I know is that a lot has been bubbling up.

I listened to my Intuition yesterday and went for a long walk along the beach…I call it a “Forrest Gump Walk” as it goes on and on and I find that I go on these types of walks when I am trying to figure something out…which seems like a lot of the time…

Most recently when a relationship ended after 15 weeks (but it was intense, and I thought this IS the guy…wrong…stopped going on my long walks…no wonder I hung on 8 weeks too long!!!! Wow, I just realized that I knew it wasn’t going to work 6 weeks into it and evidently, I “chose” to ignore all of the ruby red flags).

Anyway, getting back to my walk yesterday. I realized that I have not been engaged…at least fully “engaged” for a while now. And, this “engagement” covers a lot of territory. I realized that these, up until now, were the areas I was not fully engaged in and some cases, not much at all:

Engaged with myself…I journal everyday but I wasn’t engaged with my Intuition…I was engaged to what I wanted and how I thought it should play out. But yesterday, I chose to have a “tentative” plan and then check in all day with what my heart wanted to do.

These are the three jewels that came from listening to my heart…my intuition while on my “Forest Gump Walk”…

*Found the missing parts in defining two areas of the book that I’m writing right now called Generation Why Not®?. Evidently, this book is much bigger than I originally thought.

*Stumbled upon a two-day conference at the Fairmont hotel as I needed to use the restroom and started talking to the women who were wearing conference badges…a conference that is not related to any conferences that are already on my radar…which I’m now realizing is the perfect way to become visible with what I do in an industry that is not full of consultants and coaches! Perfect…this evidently, was one of my “I’d like to start doing” ideas.
Question for you: What conferences or seminars can you attend that is not on your radar…perhaps, in another industry but could also use your services and products?

*And, this is where I realized that one of the areas of my new book talks about “Momentum” and had a “lightning bolt” of insight of all the ways “Engagement” shows up and, is all part of our momentum…or not…and how I have been most disengaged in certain areas of my life and business….whoa….what a burst of good info to inform me how “present” I have been…or have not been. And, to inform me where my “thoughts” have led me….have they increased my energy or drained my energy?

I would like to leave you with a quote I love: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Victor Frankl

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