What is a Book Brand?

Down and dirty, a Book Brand is one that is consistent with who you are, your story, your experiences up until now, the pivotal moments in your life and how you and your story are different…so that your readers are motivated to read your book.

One of the most confusing aspects of being an author is in creating a strong, influential and authentic Book Brand. You have to give the reader a reason to pick up and purchase your book. Then, you need to give them a compelling reason to share it with their friends.

One of the reasons that seems so difficult, is that you really need to know the answers to some important questions.

And once you have answered those questions, you need to anchor your brand by identifying, owning and surrendering to it. Not always an easy course of action.

Here are a few questions that I ask my clients when they are starting to write their book or are in the midst of writing their manuscript:

*Why are you writing this book?

*What were some pivotal moments in your life that made a huge impression on you…related to your book…whether fiction or non-fiction?

*At the end of the day, what are your plans for the book…what do you want to do with it? (A book is an excellent way to leverage your ideas, authentic voice and topic into a very lucrative business.)

*If you had to condense your whole book into three inspirational sentences for the reader, what would they be?

*Have you created your Signature Speech that relates to your book?

For those of you who take the time to authentically answer these questions, you will be amazed at what you will find…clarity for your book, the beginning of a signature speech, and the direction you want to take your book in. These answers will also put you on the path to identifying the target markets for your book.

If you’d like help along this Branding journey…whether it be for your book or your business, I offer Branding Platform & Marketing Mastermind VIP Days (the next one is coming up soon, on May 24th!).

Feel free to connect with me to see if this would be a fit for you. Just shoot me an email at rklein@ruthklein.com and we’ll set up a time to talk.

Or, join me in New York at the end of the month for the New York Book Expo! We’ll spend 2 days together and I’ll help you craft your book, pitch your book, and…identify publishers who may publish your type of book! Register for the expo here, and then email me to set up our time to work together.

Until next time…be Brilliant and Courageous…Why Not?

"The Marketing Maven!"

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"Ruth Klein's book writing program was a critical part of my success. If you are planning to write your first book, I strongly encourage you make Ruth part of your plan. Her expertise and encouragement will ensure your success!"

Megan Tull International Speaker and Bestselling Author, Passion Belief Method- Own Your Value and Earn Your Worth in Business
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