Three Marketing Strategies for Celebrating You and Your Business

LumariPeter-grammysHere are my friends Lumari and Peter at the GRAMMYs in Los Angeles this year! How much fun it must be to go to this musical awards ceremony. And imagine all of the moving pieces involved in making this such a memorable experience, not only for Lumari and Peter, but for everyone who attended and the viewers watching at home, too. I’d like to take this “Experience of Celebration” and turn it into a case study in order to better understand some elements that may go into celebrating you and your business… and to leverage this Experience into a Marketing Strategy. Yes, this is how my mind works for me…and for you!

I was fortunate to chat with Lumari the day after the GRAMMYs while the event was still fresh in her mind. Here are a few highlights of the Experience for Lumari:

She and her husband decided to go all out during the weekend they were in L.A., including: First class airfare, first class accommodations (at the exquisite Bel-Air Hotel), a beautiful long gown, new hair style, etc. Lumari said she wanted the whole Experience!!

That’s exactly it! Your clients will invest in the Experience you provide for them. Why? Because underneath every business and personal Brand is the Experience! Here are some Marketing Strategies for you so you can provide the Experience of Celebration to your clients.

Marketing Strategy #1) First Impressions Do Matter.

These include how you greet potential clients the very first time you meet or have contact with them — i.e., via your phone message, your email, your energy, your attitude — all at the beginning of your personal interactions with them. There are many entrepreneurs and experts who became my clients during our first meeting at a party, a function, a phone call, or a visit. Even though my intention at the time was just to “show up” and be me — I was not even trying to attract clients!

Marketing Strategy #2) Everyone Likes to Feel Special… Authentically:

The Experience includes the entire process during your time together once a potential business becomes a client. What are different ways that you can offer “bonuses” or little extras to your clients? Everyone loves those complimentary extras — the cosmetics industry built a billion dollar-plus business from that marketing strategy. Is there a way you can offer the bonus of a class, a program, a gift, that would add to the Experience of Celebration for your clients? For example, I offer a special additional savings to existing clients when they choose to re-enroll in one of my programs. I also offer special extras during our time together that adds real value for the client. What can you provide for your existing clients that make them feel special? I believe really feeling special is the essence of the underlying emotion of the Experience of Celebration.

Marketing Strategy #3: Create a Signature Event.

What would it look like if you held a Party… Celebration… Live event once a year? It may become your annual Signature Event. For example, my LIVE occasion, “4G Branding,” is an event, a celebration and a party all in one! I Experience it and my wonderful participants (who loooove them!) Experience this as well. Years ago I had a yearly party at my home where I invited almost everyone I knew, including my parents! In fact, my Dad would often ask, “Now honey, when is your party again?” It was very sweet… my Mom and Dad loved the Experience of Celebration!

Everybody appreciates it when a businessperson walks that extra mile for its clientele. Good customer service that treats clients like they are valued customers turns a possible entrepreneur into a repeat customer, instead of into the back of a head you’ll never see again. Make all of the participants in your Experience feel as if they have just won a Grammy Award!

You can see that every “touch point” you have with potential clients, existing clients and former clients matter. Sometimes entrepreneurs are so focused on getting a launch out or starting a new program that they forget the hidden areas to Experience the Celebration!

"The Marketing Maven!"

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