The Generation Why Not?® Podcast
The Generation Why Not?® podcast, interviews with founders, entrepreneurs and second career transitions with a perceptual shift of what success looks like, and who are driven by attitude not age. They know anything is possible, feel the fear and keeps going to achieve theirs goals and dreams.
Generation Why Not®?
Generation Why Not®? Is a generation that is driven by attitude not age. They are perceptual disruptors of what can be accomplished in business and in their lives…they see situations and circumstances differently than others
They know there is more to their businesses and lives and are willing to go past the fear to reach their dreams
They are innovators…they constantly look for new ways to solve problems.
They know words matter, particularly to themselves
They take action regardless of their moods They are inspired when others say it can’t be done
Generation Why Not®? podcast fills the need of today’s business landscape that is filled with “perceptual disruptors” who are opening up a clear path to allow innovative entrepreneurs, professionals and business thought leaders to achieve success in their businesses and lives.
This generation thinks and acts differently and is the embodiment of Albert Einstein’s assertion: A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.
This shift impacts business economics, corporate cultures and individual entrepreneurs.
Attitude is everything when it comes to achieving success, regardless of age, gender, or background, says Ruth Klein. Ruth is an internationally renowned brand strategist, bestselling author, speaker, and expert celebrity branding maven. In this episode of Career Can Do, Ruth and host Mary Ann Faremouth discuss the principles that are critical to personal and business development. Ruth has written seven books, including the bestselling Generation Why Not?: 7 Principles to a Purposeful Business and Life Driven by Attitude, Not Age, which lays out seven principles that define your core beliefs and guide you through life’s challenges.
It’s not the situation that makes or breaks us, but rather how we handle it. This attitude is what distinguishes those who lose everything and never come back from those who start up again, even stronger than before, Ruth remarks. She interviewed a diverse group of individuals for Generation Why Not?, from financial technology founders to an 83-year-old man who had written four books in four years. She discovered that attitude was the common thread among them: “It’s not age. It’s certainly not money. It’s not your standing. It’s not even your brilliance. It’s your attitude,” Ruth asserts.
Ruth identifies the seven principles that define our core beliefs: intention, thoughts, beliefs, decisions, actions, momentum, and environment. Our intention, thoughts, and beliefs play a critical role in shaping our success. This means that if we’re not reaching our goals or having the relationships we want, we can examine our intention, thoughts, and beliefs to find the root cause. Procrastination, for example, can be traced back to our intention, thoughts, and beliefs about a task or relationship. Ruth encourages us to approach life with curiosity and openness to possibility, and to stay true to our values, even in challenging times.
Identifying your company’s internal culture and business values can help you attract and retain employees. Ruth says that CEOs and business owners should reflect on their internal culture and values and connect with employees to understand their needs and concerns. Regular communication with employees ensures that the organization clicks between the C-suite, managers, employees, and business.
Ruth also offers tips for personal and professional growth. She advises taking 100% responsibility for your attitude and creating an intention every morning of how to see the day, visualizing yourself achieving your goals. For example, you can create an intention to be a gift for everyone you meet or to stay focused and productive throughout the day.
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Generation Why Not?: 7 Principles to a Purposeful Business and Life Driven by Attitude, Not Age
"The Marketing Maven!"
"Ruth Klein's book writing program was a critical part of my success. If you are planning to write your first book, I strongly encourage you make Ruth part of your plan. Her expertise and encouragement will ensure your success!"
Megan Tull International Speaker and Bestselling Author, Passion Belief Method- Own Your Value and Earn Your Worth in Business