Looking Inside the BookExpo America

If you’re interested in the book publishing industry, one of the easiest ways to stay on top of current changes within the field is with conferences. You’ll receive the latest insider information about new, upcoming technologies and publications, meet new contacts, and renew your contact with colleagues.

Industry conferences are the best place to leverage your time, effort and budget while continuing to catch up on the latest changes within the industry. This is true for anyone involved in the book field, whether you’re an aspiring or published author or an industry professional currently involved in book publishing.

Beginning on May 26, the BookExpo America (BEA) will capture various facets of the industry including comprehensive conferences that work to bring together professionals in one location (New York City) to discuss everything related to books, from virtually every prospective.

The BEA is currently the largest publishing event for the book publishing industry within North America, welcoming 25,000 professionals from May 29 to June 1. There are also more than 600 authors appearing at the BEA. With partners such as the Association of American Publishers (AAP) and the American Booksellers Association (ABA) fully supporting the event, the BEA is highly recognized for the media attention it brings to new and upcoming books and their authors.

The event is expected to cover virtually every category related to books, from traditional to innovative self-publishing for those hoping for cost effective methods. It will also host librarians, booksellers and distributors as well as bestselling authors who will speak throughout the halls of the Jacob Javits Center during the event.

If you’re an emerging author or professional in the book industry, the BEA is the place to be. If you’re curious about the inside workings of the industry, BookExpo provides a place for everything book-related: writing, publishing, marketing tools and techniques, and communities. It’s a comprehensive conference for any experience level.

If you’re an established or emerging writer, attending conferences and events like BookExpo America and others which run parallel to this event allow incredible opportunities to link with other professionals. It also offers the opportunity for those new to the industry to become acquainted with some of the best in the field.

Be sure to pay attention to the many activities occurring both inside the halls of the Jacob Javits Center and outside (all around the town), as there are multiple events. This year, the attendees will once again have the opportunity to meet with me, Ruth Klein, Celebrity Branding Expert. You won’t want to miss my presentation about pitching your book to the media. Take a look at some of the events that you’ll be a part of at this year’s BEA, and make plans to attend! It’s an opportunity that you won’t want to miss.

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