Leveraging my Farmer’s Market Experience and Getting Greater Clarity for our Businesses Marketing

I’m always looking for ways to leverage almost everything I do. I’d like to share with you Six Ways I leveraged like this morning as I was going to the Farmer’s Market.

First, I decided to park far away from the market so that I could also get my high-powered walk in this morning.

Second, as I was looking at all of the beautiful and bountiful fruits and veggies I came up with my dinner idea for tonight…a fresh veggie soup.

Third, I have been wanting to expand my patio into what I refer to as a “living kitchen” with fresh herbs. So, when I saw the wonderful display of fresh herbs, I noticed a sign at the vendor’s table that said they help put together veggie gardens…done!

Fourth, Since I was in such a happy mood, the yellow sunflowers called out to me and I wanted to bring a little bit of this fresh abundance and sunshine back to my office.

Fifth, Unbeknownst to me when I first started out this morning, did I think I would be inspired to write this week’s article about my experience.

Sixth, some of these pictures will be the start of my new InstaGram experience starting today.

Why do we choose specific businesses to do business with?farmersmarket

Why is it that I go to the same vendors at the Farmer’s market when many of the vendors are selling the same veggies, fruits, flowers?

I go to my favorite vendors because I perceive them as more friendly. There are some stands that I like to go to because the presentation doesn’t overwhelm me…or is easy to see the freshness of the products and easy to get to. I also go to the stands that are organic. I like the flower stand because they go the extra bit and turn my flowers into a presentation with baby’s breadth and wrapped beautifully in meat packing paper.

Or, could it be that there is only one stand that sells my favorite pressed walnuts for walnut oil that I use on my salads. And then, there’s the delicious tasting results I receive from my specific stands…all contributing to why I continue to make my purchases at these farming businesses.

What makes your ideal clients keep coming back to you…most of us have products and services that others have as well?

What is it about our service, presentation of our products and services, authenticity of how we show up and how we share what we do, friendliness of our website, our voice message.

Or is it the person who answers our phone?

"The Marketing Maven!"

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