Bees and a Hummingbird…a Natural Eco-System

On my walk the other morning, I stopped at these gorgeous purple plants and saw bees swarming through them, plus one beautiful hummingbird. I thought, what a beautiful and natural eco-system. Both species are enjoying nature’s delight, and using them for different purposes.

And, everyone is getting along harmoniously.

Then, my thoughts went to Time…how can I harmoniously enjoy nature’s bounty of time, even though I have several different projects (species) of work to do?

Well, most recently, I offered a complimentary teleseminar on my new Daily Schedule, simply called 2-4-3. Let me be clear…simplicity for a writer doesn’t happen easily.

I’d love to share some of the highlights of the time teleseminar in hopes of offering you a way to live in an internally harmonious eco-system.

But, before I go to the heart of the 2-4-3- system, I want to share a few things…

Your schedule…time is fluid and alive and waits for no one.

And, I can assure you that confusion, lack of focus and overwhelm during the day…often called procrastination, directly impacts your stress and your income.

That is why I always work with my clients on productivity and their schedules…these are fundamental in creating a lucrative and enjoyable business.

This 2-4-3 system will be helpful if…

*You’re finding that you don’t feel connected to what you’re doing, what you need to do…or simply not connected to you and your Intentions.

*You have so much to do during the day at work and on your business that you simply feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done, and you end up shutting down…or working very slowly without much movement forward.

*And, if you’re finding the you don’t have enough “me” time to play, nurture yourself or just “Be.”

The 2-4-3 System:

The 2 refers to spending two hours reconnecting with your heart, spirit, day, and intention.

Here is what Reconnecting might look like…

Journaling, meditating, reading upbeat pages in a book, enjoying a good cup or two of coffee uninterrupted, looking out at the ocean or your garden.

The 4 refers to spending four focused hours on your business.

Here’s what Focused Four Work Hours might look like….

Marketing, Business Development, Writing, Setting up Speaking Ppportunities, Tracking Money, Delivering a Webinar.

And, the 3 refers to “Me” time.

Here’s what “Me” time might look like…

Taking up a new hobby, exercising, playing tennis, learning golf, taking a 20 minute power nap.

Give the 2-4-3 a try. I would love to know how it goes for you!

Until next time…be Brilliant and Courageous…Why Not?

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