Attract More Clients by DOING Less

“Is Less Marketing Secretly BETTER For Your Business Than More?”

Most recently I had the opportunity to “see”….once again, what working in “overdrive” looks like. I woke up early in the morning to journal which helped me organize thoughts, download insights and even plan my day.

Then, as the day moved on I was getting more and more anxious with all of the “things” I needed to do…not that they weren’t important, but I was feeling and acting in overwhelm.

I know better…but forgot!

car-wreckThen, a BIG reminder “hit” and I was in my first major car accident three weeks ago…that forced me to stop! It “forced” me to stop and reflect as to how this happened…and I believe with all of my heart that the Universe was not getting through to me and knew I needed a BIGGER flash….and boy, was it big.

I’m okay except for the seat belt that went into my chest…hard! Thank goodness the air bags didn’t inflate…I’d have even more bruises.

So, before you get in overwhelm with all of the “things you need to do,” ie. Social media, multiple marketing strategies that you feel need to be started immediately and all of the other “stuff” that takes you away from your primary business focus of business development and simple and consistent marketing strategies daily…

slow down and become aware of your internal overwhelm “chatter”.

Here’s the best part…by DOING less you will be attracting more of your ideal clients. This happens for my clients and most recently happened to me two days ago!

So here are 3 client attracting strategies that will help you build your business while being more focused, less overwhelmed and time to serve your clients and enjoy your business and your life once again!

#1. Create a Daily Intention of How You Want Your Day to Go
What do you want to happen? What exactly do you want your day to bring? I always create a morning intention as to how I’d like to “see” the day. It is amazing how the combination of my subconscious and the Universe come together in alignment…when I keep the “intentional space” open.

How do you want to feel? Every time you “feel” overwhelmed or “feel” the time crunch, let those feelings go and replace them with the good feelings around your day’s intention. This is a great way to STOP the “obsessive” thinking before it gets too powerful.

#2: Become Aware of Your Distractions and Make It a Priority
What are 3 Top Distractions?: What is it that prevents you from working on your marketing? Business development? Writing? Just by becoming conscious and aware of your distractions will bring you much clarity and from that vantage point, you will be able to take action to best eliminate the distractions that are blocking you from becoming the 6 & 7 figure business you know you can be!

#3. Decide What is Really Most Important for You to Do Today
Rule of Two: I know you have heard about prioritizing what needs to be done, but this is a little more in-depth. Choose two “tasks” you have to do today….when those are started or completed…then look at the next two tasks you want to do.

Here’s to making more “space” in your day!

"The Marketing Maven!"

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"Ruth Klein will unleash your creativity within and guide your story to places you never thought possible. She’s the businesswoman who will help inspire ingenious ideas about how to profitably bring your message or product out into the world with the greatest impact. She’s the publicist who will skillfully craft your unique message so that others will see it, hear it, and buy it."

Joe Swinger Author
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