How to Establish Your Celebrity Status Brand

A celebrity is often seen as someone of value: someone with fame, influence, importance and financial prosperity. Before the plethora of social media websites, celebrity status was often reserved for those acting in the spotlight, for example, the people who appeared on our television screen night after night — the actors, television hosts, sports stars and journalists.

As social media and the internet have taken hold of our homes, virtually anyone can become a sensation and achieve celebrity status – not just highly-paid individuals with agents. As more and more “everyday” people achieve celebrity status, it’s becoming more prevalent that virtually anyone – even you—can become a star!

To help you get there, here are five tips to remember:

  1. Blogging and Writing
    One of the easiest ways to build a following is by creating content for your own brand.  Use your blog to showcase your personality, connecting with your fans and followers on a personal level. Although writing for a blog takes a personal commitment (often times requiring daily or weekly input), it’s one of the best ways to attract the right type of attention.

  2. Internet Videos or Podcasts

With more people turning to media share websites for entertainment and information, creating a following has never been easier. Traditionally, radio interviews involved advance planning and conditioning. Now, the internet and modern technology make it simple for virtually anyone wanting to share a message with their fans.

  1. Become a Media Resource
    Although this point might seem more intimidating, becoming a reliable source for information isn’t as difficult as you may think. Check out HARO and register as a media resource. You’ll receive daily emails with various queries from news outlets covering a variety of stories.

  2. Speaking Engagements or Presentations

There’s a fine line between hosting an informational presentation and delivering a sales pitch; if you can master the speaking engagement, you’ll begin to propel yourself upward within your industry. That’s because virtually everyone can make a pitch; however, having access to private information and sharing it willingly is another story. Volunteer to participate in a group conference or discussion to get your brand out there. If your presentation is well-done, you’ll find that the opportunities to speak at other functions will find their way into your lap.

5.  Create a Book

If you’d like to establish yourself as an expert within your industry, look no further. Writing a book is easier than you might think. I make it simple, I give you structure and steps to follow. I make it easy and I offer a free discovery session – just sign up here.

One way that would-be authors can get a jump start is by attending the BookExpo America (BEA) in New York beginning May 26. The BEA is the largest publishing event in the book publishing industry in North America with over 25,000 industry professionals in attendance. The BEA also draws more than 600 authors who wish to hone their skills, network with other professionals and glean industry secrets.  The BEA is highly recognized for the media attention it brings to new and upcoming books and their authors. Click here to take a sneak peak at this year’s conference.  Ruth Klein, with my Expert Celebrity Branding, will have a helpful presentation that you won’t want to miss!  

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