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Seeds of Choices: Cultivating a Life of Intentional Growth

Recently, I attended a sermon that left a profound impact on me.

The message revolved around the concept of the “seed of choices.”

Something about that idea struck a deep chord.

I found myself reflecting on how our choices are like seeds, each holding the potential to shape our lives in unique ways. But, like any seed, they require nurturing, attention, and care to grow.

And then I realized it made such an impact on me because I’m thinking of expanding my business.

That is the initial seed!

Do I give the thought attention?

Do I start nurturing it and take the required steps to see it grow….or do I choose to doubt the thought (seed)?

It’s fascinating to consider how these seeds come to life—whether they sprout from a moment of inspiration, a longing for change, or a desire to create something new.

Here’s a new “seed of choice” I can plant that will lead to a new beginning of sorts; personal growth and even a transformative shift in my thought leadership.

Just as my patio plants need water and sunlight, my choices need specific resources to grow.

Each seed of choice represents a possibility, a potential path that can lead to growth or change.

Will this new seed of choice bring me closer to my dreams, or teach me lessons through unexpected detours?

I need to be okay with both!

And here’s the kicker:

Without the water of attention, the sunlight of energy, and the nutrients of my purpose, “seed of choice” can wither away, leaving me with a sense of unfulfilled potential.

To that I say, “No way.”

I do believe life is a garden filled with seeds waiting to grow.

If we want our lives to be filled with the fruits of our intentional choices, we must take an active role in nurturing them.

I challenge you to take a moment to reflect on the seeds of choices in your life.

Are you giving them the water, sunlight, and nutrients they need to grow? Are you tending to them with the love and care they deserve?

By investing in our seeds of choices, we not only cultivate a garden of possibilities but also a life of growth, fulfillment, and intentional beauty.

Remember, every seed you plant has the potential to become something wonderful. The question is: will you nurture it or doubt it?

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